
Chasing The Sun

One of the things I hate about fall and winter is how little light we get throughout the day. Especially if your photo- and videography is only a hobby - measured by the time you have available for it - it is hard to get ready for a shoot before the sun goes down. And we still have one and a half months left until we have the shortest day of the year. I'm stunned every single year again.

Like really stunned: Once I realize that it's happening I can't find the motivation to get out and shooting. It just seems like I won't even find anything before it get's dark again. Yesterday I was on my way home around 4 pm and guess what I saw: Golden Hour! But of course I couldn't carry my camera around all day - also I didn't even think that it would become such a nice day. But let's not get too depressed because of that - here are some pictures I collected this summer.