
Struggling with your motivation

Especially as the days grow shorter, you wake up in the dark and it's dark again as you come back home you might easily slip into a feeling that makes your work, life and all the things you like seem not to be worth the effort. My experience is that you will definitely loose at least one day in this hole until you can do anything against it. This one day you should just spend on Netflix or YouTube because that's the only stuff that you'll get done.

So the next day you should just start off with a good run and a nice glass of milk, smoothie or milk. If you get the morning right, everything that follows will stand in a better light. So things you could perfectly do are:

  • Searching for new places to get your work and other tasks done
  • Putting the structures of your workflow, online space and data management to a test
  • Cleaning up your workplace, desktop and phone
  • Searching for inspiration online and in real life

How do you tackle a lack of motivation?

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