
Fall Longboarding

The first of October - that's when the fall feels really kick in.

Basically, all the time from the melting of the last snow to the first storm of fall is great for longboarding - and of course any other sport on small wheels. Because once the wind blew through the first brown leaves it takes no time until the whole ground is covered in them. That wouldn't be that much of a problem - leaves make the ground slippery, especially when they lay there throughout the last rain, but you wouldn't normally fall from that - if there weren't so many chestnuts and acorns in between them. I was lucky so far, but if you hit one with your wheels, you stop right where you're at - unless you were so fast that you fly and roll on the ground for some feet.

However, what I actually want to tell you is that the longboard and bike spot series will probably be paused until spring. There might be some possibilities to get one or two of them online if the weather isn't too bad, but not on a regular basis. Therefor I have Blogs to Read and One Day in Hamburg as the winter series. But I will save up some spots and blogs by releasing each series every four weeks and some more random posts in between.

Well, nothing else to say today. See you on                             Saturday.

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