
Blogs To Read - Jennypurr

© Jen Carrington
May I introduce: Jen Carrington. With her blog Jennypurr, that was founded in March 2013, she is currently reaching more than 10,000 readers every month. When she isn't working on her daily post for Jennypurr she has plenty of writing to do outside the blog as she works as a freelance writer and also as an editor for A Little Opulent, an online lifestyle magazine. After graduating from Lancaster University last summer she figured out that she would concentrate on online content 

She divides her posts into four categories: Life, blogging, freelancing and beauty. Sometimes these categories can't be kept apart - that's what happens when you write what you think and want to instead of sticking to the rules - but she doesn't struggle to keep the blog's structure upright.

Still, Jen does not work only with passion but also with professionalism. She actually keeps the business woman and the girl in her early twenties in perfect balance. On the one hand her posts are advice on everyday life but never without at least a chunk of help on workflow and evolving yourself and your writing.

Her most important message - in my words - is still: Don't do it the best way possible, do it your way. If you want to learn more about what she means by that, need advice on freelancing and blogging and still want to get updated on the best in beauty, just stop by at http://www.jennypurr.co.uk/ or visit her on Bloglovin.

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