Originally inspired by a German youtuber, I got into longboarding and also snowboarding. Flowing across the ground, no matter if snow or concrete, that's what I wanted to do. And then I just did it and experienced some awesome rides, hard crashes and wonderful moments with wonderful people (gonna review that point on monday). And though I started snowboarding half a year earlier this feeling actually came alive with my first longboard, a 120 bucks masterpiece that I am now scared of when I stand on it again as it is indeed quite shaky. But it got me into the hobby. I started off trying mongo pushes, breaking while pushing (not the best idea..) and not daring to get one inch of a wheel onto the grass.
As I made progress and got faster and more confident on the board the whole feeling of the longboarding got mixed up with my personality and made me also more confident in every-day life. This got me in to trouble sometimes because the people weren't used to me opposing them but I am happy about this change. Also I'm pushing it to the limit more often in all kinds of situations.
It's fascinating how you can spend hours to read articles about the behavior of boards with different parts and shapes. You learn how to counteract problems that other people have on their boards and you also get the ability to advise them on what board or what new parts they should by.
Tell me how your personality got influenced by longboarding or any other hobby, I'd like to hear your stories.