Today I'm introducing two new series featuring Hamburg's best spots for longboarding and biking on and off road. I will start right where I live and spread out over Hamburg by the time that I covered everything close by. Each post will include a set of photos -- maybe a video -- and a map that the spot is marked on.
The posts on longboard spots will be released every other week starting on the second of August. The posts on bike spots will fill up the weeks in between.
While it is great to blog about what's just happening at the moment I need a way to bring a regular pattern of topics to the blog. This gets me the feeling of a blog that is to be taken serious and helps me keeping myself motivated.
I'm looking forward to this new project and would like to hear if you're with me. Come back next Saturday to see the first beautiful cruising track starring trains, horses and a prison. 'Till then, ride safe and protect your spots.